Saturday, February 28, 2009


It was one of those awkward little movements in my life. After a long while, me and my brother was sitting and catching up on our lives. Strangely despite our age differences, we quite easily confine to each other. It's like we know (well almost know) each others deepest, darkest secrets and fear.
So, it was some god-freakin Tuesday night and we were all cuddled up into one quilt and chatting away to glory. When he popped up this question to me... "Tai, how do i know if a girl is interested in me? There is this girl in my college. Wat can I do?" I was flabbergasted (1) to see my little brother grow up all of the sudden (2) to answer his damn questions. How on earth am I suppose to know all that? I managed to blurt out a few pearls of wisdom, trying to show off that I was the learned one.
I mean I don't carry any expertise here... I am the dumber. I don't how to flirts if it means to look into their eyes and drop hints. I won't understand if someone is doing tht even. Basically, I am a true believer of the idea that - there is nothing to look at in a man. God, just didn't give it to them. I don't have any idea on how many potential interests I must have lost on to that notion. I have not been a relationship of sorts. I do not rather can not have fling - just like that here and there.... Ohh, one positive sign... I have had two terribly major crushes one somewhere in school and other in my college days.
It just that I have always been so lost into myself that I seldom bother to stop and stare. So, I never know if someone is peeping into my world.
Anyways, he made me realise that I missed out so much in life. Watever, I shall check what did he do of that little chance? Lets hope for something better.


  1. hahaha! Ditto for me! Thank god, my bro never asked me these questions. I would have to distract him for lack of answers. You didn't miss much Mayulee :)

  2. Myulee you've heard of 'It's never too late?' it's true you know? :)

    And though i'm a complete wet blanket when it comes to romanticism, i still believe that the entire 'i-lost-my-breath' and 'i-knew-this-is-the-one' and 'i-stopped-thinking-about-myself-and-started-to-think-of-him' happen when we come across the right person. And considering you and me have a knack of liking Mr. Wrongs, in a way what you missed was good!

    lets hope it gets better in a few years!! :D

  3. Gale: sthank you. I guess you have a smarter brother
    Jinu: Yes, i very much afirm in what you say but not essentail filmy ways in life. I mean world won't stop for me. And i never could convinced myself to believe that I liked the wrong ones.. they are all too cute and happy feeling for me :)

  4. awesommme! happy to hear that Mayuri. oh btw hope the party tonite is fun!! happy cleaning for tomorrow morning! :D
